What collaboration means to us

Kevin Lavery
Kevin Lavery
Chief Executive Officer, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
"You can feel and touch the overwhelming sense of opportunity in Lancashire and South Cumbria and the collective ambition to grasp it.”
Aaron Cummins
Aaron Cummins
Chief Executive, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay
“If you’re a patient or staff member, we want your experience to look and feel the same no matter where you are across Lancashire and South Cumbria.”
Prof Mike Thomas
Prof Mike Thomas
Chair, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay
“Our vision is to improve health outcomes. By collaborating and sharing best practices, we’ll improve services.”
Dr Gerry Skailes
Dr Gerry Skailes
Medical Director, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
“We have a huge opportunity to expand the network way of working to make sure we are learning from the best and reducing duplication so we can focus on delivering high quality care. It’s not a new concept for clinicians, but the provider collaborative enables sharing of best practice on a formal footing.”

Martin Hodgson
Martin Hodgson
Chief Executive, East Lancashire Hospitals
“All NHS employees want to ensure good services, experience and consistency. We know there’s unwarranted variation across Lancashire and South Cumbria – by coming together and having a consistent quality offer we raise the bar.”
Kevin Moynes
Kevin Moynes
Human Resources and Organisational Development SRO, Lancashire and South Cumbria Provider Collaborative
“Our staff are our biggest – and only – asset. We want to retain and invest in our great workforce and attract excellent colleagues to work with us. We want to make Lancashire and South Cumbria a great place to live and work.”
Jonathan Wood
Jonathan Wood
Deputy Chief Executive and Finance Director, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
“There is a fantastic opportunity to think differently to support frontline care.”
David Fillingham
David Fillingham
Chair, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
“Collaborative working across the five trusts offers the best opportunity to integrate physical and mental health, while working with wider partners can improve the lives of our most vulnerable.”

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